You can change settings that affect all users of RM Auditor.
In the left-hand pane, click Administration.
In the right-hand pane, next to Settings, click Edit.
At the Settings window, edit each setting as you require.
Mode: Tick the box to assign all RM
Auditor permissions to all users.
It is important that this
mode is turned off during normal use.
Audit newly detected processes: Tick the box to ensure that any new programs that are installed on your network are audited automatically. If you untick the box, you must add new programs manually (see Related Topics).
Raise a Notification for successful maintenance tasks: Tick the box to start displaying notifications for all RM Auditor scheduled maintenance tasks, whether they succeed or fail.
Notification Lifetime: Edit the number of days a notification is stored in the database before it can be purged.
Event Lifetime: This setting defines how long various event data are stored in the RM Auditor database before they can be purged.
Workstation Event Frequency: Edit the period of time (in minutes) that a computer waits between sending information to the database about activity on that computer.
Click OK.
If the user for whom you have changed permissions is logged on at the time of the change, they must log back onto RM Auditor in order to activate the changes. To do this quickly and easily, they can click the Internet Explorer Refresh button (not the RM Auditor Refresh button).